Volunteer With Us Here in Washington, DC

Volunteers help us deliver even more programs and services to our participants! Learn more about the opportunities available or how to get in touch with us.

Volunteer with House of Ruth DC

Thank you for your interest in lending a hand at House of Ruth! Volunteers play a vital role in enriching the lives of the women and children participating in our 15 programs. Please take a moment to explore some of the volunteer activities that individuals and groups have previously participated in. Afterward, kindly fill out the form below to provide your information.

The volunteer opportunities below are for small groups of 1-3 individuals. Larger group volunteer opportunities are determined based on the needs of our programs.


Volunteer Opportunities

  • Arts & Crafts:
    • Teaching a class on something artistic, like writing, knitting, crocheting, or hosting a Paint & Sip (with juice/soda to sip!)
  • Computer skills:
    • Teaching participants how to draft emails or navigate simple computer tasks (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.)
  • Job Readiness Classes:
    • Teaching resume writing, interviewing skills, how to keep employment once you are hired
  • Self-Care Activities:
    • Spa day, face masks, nail painting, hosting a pizza party or movie night with snacks
  • Motivational Speakers:
    • Life skills, budgeting/money management classes, etc.
  • Landscaping Projects
    • Planting flowers, painting walls, cleaning up garden beds, weeding
  • Attorneys
    • Provide general advice on custody issues or give advice on end-of-life issues
  • Host a Fundraiser 
    • Many individuals and groups in the community have organized their own fundraising efforts on behalf of House of Ruth!